6 Free StudioPress Genesis Themes for WordPress

WP Tutor

The Genesis Framework by Studiopress is one of the most popular premium theme solutions for WordPress. Many would even say that Brian Gardner (StudioPress Founder) is the man responsible for inspiring the entire premium themes market but I digress… You want some free themes? They got 'em

I've used StudioPress themes myself for a few years and somehow the fact managed to escape me that they do actually offer a collection of free themes right on their site. You will need the Genesis Theme for them to work properly but they are a great addition to any developers collection and could even be useful in your next web project so make sure you check them out below and snatch them up whilst they are still available…

24k Theme


24k Theme for Genesis Framework

  Download 24k Theme (110.6 KiB)

* Please note that the 24k theme requires the Genesis Framework.

Features – 6 page layouts, custom background, custom header, custom menus, footer widgets, threaded comments

Copyblogger Theme


Copyblogger Theme for Genesis Framework

  Download Copyblogger Theme (85.8 KiB)

* Please note that the Copyblogger theme requires the Genesis Framework.

Features – 6 page layouts, 3 theme colors, custom background, custom header, custom menus, footer widgets, threaded comments

Fairway Theme


Fairway Theme for Genesis Framework

  Download Fairway Theme (75.2 KiB)

* Please note that the Fairway theme requires the Genesis Framework.

Features – 6 page layouts, custom background, custom header, custom menus, footer widgets, threaded comments

Georgia Theme


Georgia Theme for Genesis Framework

  Download Georgia Theme (72.9 KiB)

* Please note that the Georgia theme requires the Genesis Framework.

Features – 6 page layouts, custom background, custom header, custom menus, footer widgets, threaded comments

Nomadic Theme


Nomadic Theme for Genesis Framework

  Download Nomadic Theme (73.1 KiB)

* Please note that the Nomadic theme requires the Genesis Framework.

Features – 6 page layouts, custom background, custom header, custom menus, footer widgets, threaded comments

Sample Child Theme


Sample Child Theme for Genesis Framework

  Download Sample Child Theme (58.7 KiB, 27,803 hits)

* Please note that the Sample child theme requires the Genesis Framework.

Features – 6 page layouts, custom background, custom header, custom menus, footer widgets, threaded comments

As you can see from the above images this a great little collection and at a price that you can't really argue with. They all work on top of the Genesis Framework which means they all have a solid foundation that will be built upon over time by the StudioPress team, so you can actually rely on them and not anxiously wait for something to break with every update. If you haven't yet bought Genesis then make sure you check out the official StuidoPress site where they are many more premium and community themes available at very competitive pricing.

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